Free KSA Examples to Help You Get Started

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KSA Example: Knowledge and understanding of program policies, and administrative guidance.

For the past eight years, I have been involved with biomedical research projects in academia and at the National Institutes of Health. As a Visiting Fellow at the Laboratory of Developmental Neurobiology, I have conducted numerous experiments in neurobiology, which requires a strict understanding of procedural accuracy and the ability to apply crucial judgment in all phases of experimentation. For example in 2000, I conducted experiments in which I demonstrated firing pattern recognition in the temporal lobes. At several key junctures, I was able to collaborate with senior scientists, and use my critical thinking and analysis skills to accurately proceed with the scientific procedures. The results of this sample research were presented at a seminar, “Differential Decoding of Temporal Patterns in Fruit Flies,” at the University of Pittsburgh. I was also awarded the Dr. Jonas Salk Excellence in Research Prize based on my findings.

In addition, in 1997, I conducted a variety of experiments as a postdoctoral fellow at Rutgers University, Department of Microbiology. During my tenure, I developed sample enzyme assays to study the cross liking of parasites on fruit flies. My critical judgment regarding the most appropriate research methods was applied from extensive scientific reviews and through discussions with senior faculty members. The results of this study were published in an article entitled “Parasites and Their Effect on Fruit Flies” in the Nature Journal.

My skill in biomedical research has been enhanced by the following teaching experience:

Molecular Biology – Rutgers University
Cell Biology – Rutgers University
Cell Physiology – Rutgers University
Genetics- West Virginia University

KSA Example: Skill in applying engineering concepts and theories to the solution of engineering problems.

John L. Key / Mechanical Engineer GS-830-9 / NHTSA 04-67

Earning undergraduate and graduate degrees in mechanical engineering has given me a firm foundation of the engineering principles necessary to solve challenging problems. As a senior engineering major I often tutored freshmen in introductory level engineering classes such as Dynamic Analysis and Fluid Mechanics. For my thesis project at the University of Michigan I designed a remote-controllable Geiger counter that could be used by the military to detect radiation sources that are too hazardous for personnel to approach. The project gave me the opportunity to solidify my knowledge of physical, chemical, and mathematical concepts as they apply to the real world.

Since graduating in 1998 I have worked as a Mechanical Engineer at InTech. In my position as a Junior Engineer in I was noted for creating exceptional quality technical drawings in support of the design team. I was promoted to the position of Senior Engineer in 2001 in which I was responsible for creating finite element models of experimental designs for the purposes of structural analysis. The models helped to validate design concepts before they were prototyped and therefore saved the company the expense of creating a working model of a design that failed to work properly. My current position of Engineering Supervisor enables me to oversee the design and construction of advanced weaponry systems for the U.S. Air Force. I must integrate the efforts of electrical, chemical, aeronautical, and mechanical engineers to produce a high quality product in a timely manner. InTech has recognized my aptitude as a mechanical engineer by honoring me with two Excellence Awards in the last four years.

KSA Example: Ability to make critical judgments about biomedical research projects.

Jane Doe

In my current position as a Public Health Analyst, I analyze and evaluate Drug Pricing Program (DPP) policies, goals, and objectives. I review and assess information from state and local health agencies, make determinations regarding eligibility for participation in the DPP, and determine whether criteria and/or procedures for identifying covered entities are effective in meeting program objectives. I am frequently called upon to brief my supervisor and other managers on unusual cases and issues.

In March of 2002, I noticed an exorbitant amount of time was spent on the telephone with our clients trying to confirm or revise information submitted because of inconsistencies in reports. I devised a sample plan to capture information that was more precise and current. This plan consisted of developing a database that highlighted pertinent information from each report. All of the analysts on staff were given access to the database for quick and accurate reference. Not only were the reports more consistent, but better service was provided to participants in the DPP. This plan reduced by 48% the number of calls back to participants for clarifications and corrections.

My previous experience in Human Resources in the Fogarty International Center (FIC) as a Personnel Assistant afforded me the opportunity to learn and understand more about various programs in the agency. In participating in personnel management evaluations I had to understand organization missions and functions, and their relationships with each other. In this position, I also had to analyze, explain, and apply position classification standards in order to conduct desk audits and prepare subsequent grade/series recommendation reports for management.

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