KSA Doctor prepares professional quality, personalized KSA responses based on your experience, education, and training. We use your resume to create professional looking and sounding documents that will help give you a competitive advantage when applying for a federal job. Strongly written KSAs will help you to get more interviews for great federal jobs.

Professional KSA Writing Help
Just send us your resume, the job posting, and the KSA statements. We’ll prepare a KSA response and email them to you within a few days. Some level of correspondence via email or phone may be necessary to acquire the amount of detail necessary for your response.
About KSA Doctor
KSA Doctor provides fast, affordable, and professional KSA responses that will help you secure interviews for federal jobs. See our list of KSA writing services and resume services.
We provide assistance for all federal job KSA statements. Common statements ask for ability in oral communication skills and written communication skills. These statements need to be answered well, as poor responses may eliminate you from further consideration. Be sure to see our ksa samples, which provide an excellent and low cost alternative to custom-prepared responses. Our resume service and KSA writing help for the do-it-yourself writer can be found on our page of ksa examples.
New KSA Samples
Download all new KSA samples from KSA Doctor to help with writing your own KSA answers. Write your ksa responses in a fraction of the time with expert sample ksas. See our list of sample KSA statements.
Writing KSA Answers
Competition for government jobs will be intense and you have to stand out from all the other applicants to get a placement – that is where the writing KSA answers becomes a key opportunity you can use to get that government job. Learn the latest tips for writing the best possible KSA answers.